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I never really thought I was changing myself to make everyone happy..
But the more I did what they thought I should do and became who they said I should be..
The more unhappy I became.
And not just a little.
No matter how pretty the clothes were, no matter how amazing I looked, I still had that same nagging empty feeling.
I couldn’t figure out what it was at first, thinking I was just going through a phase..
But the mood just kept sticking.
I tried to do the things that made me happy thinking I just needed some me time..
And I was right- just not in the way that I thought.
I needed to start getting back to the girl I lost when I tried to find the person that everyone else wanted me to be.


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It was me

I were the chapter that I didn`t know
That words to but always knew existed

When I found myself and began to read
I knew I was home

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